Technology for verification of water meters at home

Currently, verification of water meters is carried out at home, without its removal, with special portable verification installations. Such a service today is quite common and affordable, and is provided by specialized organizations in accordance with the regulations established by applicable law.

Verification of water meters at home without removal is not a rather complicated procedure. Control over measuring devices is carried out by the state metrological service bodies. In the process of work, the equipment is confirmed by applicable regulatory acts.

Practice shows that the owners of housing about whether the verification of water meters is needed, especially do not need. The verification of the hot water meter, as well as the verification of the cold water meter, consists in replacing the indicated devices with the device of the exchange fund, which meets all the requirements of the metrological examination. The necessary measurement is accompanied by the issuance of the necessary documentation for the managing organization.

Verification of meters, the price of which is not very high, is profitable for users, since it involves small financial costs. If the verification of water meters in Moscow is carried out by replacing the device, there is no need to recalculate the spent water if the device does not meet the requirements established by law.

The verification of water meters at home is technologically not very complicated. The indications on the operating device are initially recorded, after which the device is dismantled. At the same time, an act of lifting is drawn up. After that, the installation of a new device or repair insert is installed, and the withdrawn equipment is transferred for examination, after which the device and documents and its verification are taken away. In the future, manipulations described earlier, only in the reverse order are performed. After that, the owner of the housing is issued documents confirming the examination.

The current dashes for verification of water meters are established by legislative. For hot water supply systems, verification is provided once every 4 years, and for cold water supply – once every 6 years. Replace the counters only if the examination was not carried out in the specified time.

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