

Photoepilation is one of the most popular procedures in modern cosmetology. It is very effective in the fight against unwanted hair on the body, destroying them by means of lighting energy.

Advantages of photoepilation

This type of epilation has a number of advantages compared to other methods of hair removal.

– Universality: unlike laser hair removal, which is suitable for people with dark hair and a certain skin phototype, photoepilation copes with the hair of any color, thickness and location (legs, arms, chest, back, face, bikini, etc.).

– Safety: active light rays do not contain a UV component. In addition, during the procedure, the skin is in no way damaged, which excludes the possibility of infection.

– Modern equipment for photoepilation is distinguished by excellent productivity and high speed, processing up to 5 kV. cm for one flash. So for one session it takes no more than 15 minutes.

– Painlessness: during photoepilation, the patient practically does not feel discomfort.

– Long-term result: the destruction of hair follicles is irreversible, so unwanted hair after the necessary course of procedures (as a rule, it consists of 4-6 sessions) disappear forever.

Equipment used for photoepilation

The assortment of equipment for photoepilation, presented today on the market, is quite wide. But all modern devices have high power, and also allow you to configure the intensity of exposure to the individual characteristics of each patient. In particular, specialists of cosmetology centers can regulate the following parameters:

– Wave length (515-1200 Nm): the darker the skin color (and, accordingly, the higher the melanin content), the greater the wavelength is used for hairs processing;

– The width of the light range: due to special filters, the device, if necessary, can block the waves of the short range;

– Flash fragmentation: a specialist can adjust the amount of light rays in each outbreak, which affects the intensity of exposure, and configure the number of intervals between the outbreaks.

Thus, equipment for photoepilation offers various adjustments, which provides an individual approach to each client. The value of certain parameters, as well as the duration of the course, is determined by the cosmetologist.

Source: Dekalaser

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