Why buy property in Hawaii

The Hawaiian Islands are known to all people on Earth. But most of us have only seen their beauty in movies or photographs.
And only a select few managed to go there on vacation. And among them there is not one who would remain indifferent to the beauties of these islands. Involuntarily there is a desire to stay there forever. Well, or at least buy a house there and visit Hawaii more often. Is it real?
Of course real! If you have money and desire. Back in the late XIX – early XX century, many wealthy residents of the Russian Far East had their “dachas” in Hawaii. They were not even afraid of a three-week sea voyage to them. And in our time, when there are planes and ocean liners, getting there has become very simple.
The air temperature in the Hawaiian Islands, even in summer, does not fall below +18 °C. And although the islands occasionally suffer from hurricanes and tsunamis, yet the eternal summer under palm trees has made these islands very attractive in the eyes of property buyers. And those who have not transferred their money even during the crisis now have an excellent opportunity to buy Hawaiian real estate much cheaper than usual.
Do you remember that the Hawaiian Islands are a territory of the USA? This is a strong argument in favor of buying local real estate. In addition, real estate on the islands is attractive for those who love privacy. There is little land here, which means that the number of neighbors will be small. True, this also implies the main disadvantage of Hawaiian real estate – the limited area of building leads to the fact that demand is always higher than supply.
But in 2009, the global financial and economic crisis reached Hawaii. Real estate prices on the paradise islands have fallen in price by almost 25%. True, if we compare this fall with the average fall in real estate prices in the United States – more than 60%, then this is not a fall at all, but a so-so, a small rollback …